We are offering a 30-day Promotion special to end the summer. This includes:
+MyHoustonGOSPEL.com feature ad – 30 days
+Ad in our e-blast (2 total) (> 2,000 audience)
+15-day social media campaign (Facebook event creation to over 1,500 Houston fans/Twitter posts).
+ add $55 we will create and distribute a professional press release to our gospel list and SEO optimize it for the web.
SPECIAL SUMMER rate/$65, *now open to past clients during summer months.
We combine traditional press, social media and email marketing to get the best results for you for this small price.
The process:
1. Email photos, flyer, details, contact information to info@myhoustongospel.com.
2. We confirm the details.
3. Make payment online.
Promo campaign begins within 48 hours.
EMAIL: advertise@myhoustongospel.com
PAST CLIENTS: Baritone, COGIC, Sony Records, Jazz at the Lincoln Center and more!