Houston represents at GMWA

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The Gospel Music Workshop of America, celebrating the 80th birthday of Founder James Cleveland, is taking place this week in Tampa, FL. Local Houston Chapter leaders have been keeping us updated throughout the week of the event’s success on Facebook.com.

Check out their updates below.

Theola Booker Houston is in Tampa. Really active in National GMWA. Francis Harris is running for queen. Ronald Materre in new music, Juanita Suggs in Women’s, Dr. Lemons and Joann Woods in Academic division, Robert Thomas in registration , Dr. Barks-Dale in Men’s. Go Houston!
Ronald J. Materre Congratulations to Texas Mass Choir and Houston Chapter for doing such a superb job in ministering at the GMWA 44th Convention in Tampa! I am proud to serve as Music Director for both groups but certainly grateful for the team of directors, musicians, writers, etc, that assist to make us who we are. Thank you to all of the members of both groups for your sacrifice, willingness, and support. To God be the glory! Continue in the work of the Lord!

The GMWA’s National Convention lasts from Aug. 13th-19th and is the largest gospel music convention in the world.